Through your gift of an online shoebox you will bless a child with a tangible gift of God's love.
Thank you for participating in this opportunity to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.
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I'm raising money for
Operation Christmas Child
080053 Through Operation Christmas Child, God has given us unparalleled opportunities to touch the lives of millions of boys and girls in over 150 countries. Many of these children have never received a gift and never heard the true meaning of Christmas—until they open shoeboxes filled with gifts from people like you. Donate to Operation Christmas Child and help bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to children, their families, and communities.
Where your money goes
Samaritan’s Purse allocates 90% of every dollar we raise directly to our ministry efforts.
90% Ministry
7% General Administration
3% Donor Education & Fundraising
(Average annual spending allocations over past 5 years)
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